vediamoci stasera
The project “Vediamoci stasera - Torino a Led” was launched in March 2015,
because Città di Torino (the municipality of Turin) needed to communicate
to citizens which were the main benefits with this switch of urban lighting:
so it was designed an integrated communication campaigns with a multi-subject print,
a website to collect all the informations and the events, some commercials and
a motion graphic video broadcast on YouTube and on the social networks of
Città di Torino, Torino Smart City and IREN Energia.
because Città di Torino (the municipality of Turin) needed to communicate
to citizens which were the main benefits with this switch of urban lighting:
so it was designed an integrated communication campaigns with a multi-subject print,
a website to collect all the informations and the events, some commercials and
a motion graphic video broadcast on YouTube and on the social networks of
Città di Torino, Torino Smart City and IREN Energia.


Graphic design of a responsive web page, in which collect the contents of the project
(infographics, events, multimedia materials).
(infographics, events, multimedia materials).

Production of some commercials broadcasted on social network
to illustrate scenes of daily life about the transition to LED lighting, with an ironic key.
to illustrate scenes of daily life about the transition to LED lighting, with an ironic key.
motion graphic
A motion graphic video to show all the informations and numbers of the project,
allowing citizens to understand the changes.
allowing citizens to understand the changes.